In the wake of the violence in Pittsburgh earlier today, the pro-Obama liberal blogs are blaming those of us who support the Second Amendment for the murder of three police officers.
David Neiwert, of Crooks and Liars, has grabbed a hold of comments made by Edward Perkovic, described as alleged shooter Richard Poplawski’s best friend. Perkovic said Poplawski feared “the Obama gun ban that’s on the way” and “didn’t like our rights being infringed upon.” Neiwert basically placed the blame for the murders on Fox News host Glenn Beck and Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the NRA, because they are worried about the Second Amendment under the Obama administration.
In an interview by WPXI in Pittsburgh, Perkovic made comments about Poplawski’s fear the Obama administration will go after the Second Amendment.
“We’ve been reporting for awhile on the surge in gun sales, and how the paranoia around guns is making the more unstable elements of the right particularly edgy,” writes Neiwert. “Inevitably, that edginess is going to break out into actual violence — as it appears to have done today.
”Neiwert may want to put aside the partisan zeal and think about his criticism of what he deems “the more unstable elements of the right.” He might want take a look at the facts.
Obama is indeed a gun-grabber and Americans in support of the Second Amendment have a right to fear his agenda.
As a junior senator from Illinois, Obama opposed a bill designed to assert a right of citizens to protect themselves against home invasions. He supported state and local constraint on the exercise of the Second Amendment. Obama endorsed a state ban on the sale and possession of handguns in Illinois. He supported the enforcement of gun licensing and a limit on gun purchases. He would ban semi-automatic weapons.Barack Obama on Gun Control. )
(SeeObama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, is a veteran gun-grabber. In February, Holder pushed for the long dormant “assault weapon” ban (any weapon that is semi-automatic is considered an “assault weapon” by these folks). Holder shamelessly (and minus facts) blamed drug cartel violence in Mexico on the Second Amendment.Obama said in 2003.
“I would support banning the sale of ammunition for assault weapons and limiting the sale of ammunition for handguns,”In addition to slandering as mental cases those of us who support the Second Amendment, David Neiwert came out in support of MIAC, the state police outfit in Missouri that designated supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as militia terrorists and cop killers. In Stalinist fashion, Neiwert wants to go after those on the other side of the fake right-left paradigm.
“Ironically, this is exactly the kind of incident that law-
Above:Richard Poplawski.
Neiwert apparently has a short memory. It wasn’t that long ago similar operations by the FBI under COINTELPRO went after people like Neiwert on the so-called left side of the false right-left paradigm.
“Eddie Perkovic, for his part, clearly must share some of Poplawski’s views, as his profile revealed a fear of ‘Zionists’ and some kind of ethnic takeover of America.True Crime Report blog. “I can’t help but feel we’ll hear from more Richard Poplawskis in the years to come. There are changes happening in the world that they, to say the least, don’t like very much. After all, prior to 9/11/01, the worst modern act of terrorism committed on American soil was committed by Americans. And that American, Tim McVeigh, happened to have pages from The Turner Diaries with him when he was arrested. ”
Among Perkovic’s recommended reads were ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ and The Turner Diaries,” writes theThe True Crime Report might want to look into the revelations of Jesse Trentadue, who discovered that the FBI planted informants in two McVeigh connected groups — a white supremacist paramilitary training compound at Elohim City and the Mid-West Bank Robbery Gang.
In fact, the FBI has long supported “right-wing hate groups” of the sort mentioned by the True Crime Report.Brian Glick (COINTELPRO Revisited: Spying & Disruption). The “FBI actually gave covert aid to the Ku Klux Klan, Minutemen, Nazis, and other racist vigilantes. These groups received substantial funds, information, and protection-and suffered only token FBI harassment-so long as they directed their violence against COINTELPRO targets,” Glick writes in COINTELPRO in the 60s.
“In the guise of a COINTELPRO against ‘white hate groups,’ the FBI subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Klu Klux Klan and other right-wing groups,” writesEdward Perkovic’s mention of The Turner Dairies, the writings of David Duke, and the long discredited Protocols of the Elders of Zion (see his MySpace page here) — and his reference to the “Zionist government” in the video linked above — are completely irrelevant to the fact the government is in the business of attacking the Second Amendment and incrementally establishing a police state through federalization of local law enforcement and the passage of numerous draconian federal and state laws.
It is still early and a clear picture of who exactly Richard Poplawski is and what he may or may not believe has not been established. He may hold beliefs ascribed to him by Perkovic. Either way, the Perkovic case — and the murder of police officers in Oakland, California, and the shootings at the American Civic Services Center in New York — will be used by the government to push for more stringent gun laws and the presence of more black-clad police on the streets.
In the meantime, we can expect the Obama libs to continue their demonization of those of us who not only value and support the Second Amendment – the very cornerstone of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – but also those of us who realize government invariably plots against liberty and eventually enslaves the masses, as a glance at the last century reveals.
Liberals need to realize that Obama is merely a front man for a cartel of international bankers. His assignment is to grease the skids for the implementation of world government. Included in that agenda is the ongoing effort to outlaw and eventually confiscate all firearms and militarize police around the country.
It should be expected that the government will exploit the recent shootings in order further their propaganda and realize their master plan of an unarmed and helpless populace. It really is sad the liberals are helping them in this effort by offering themselves up as useful idiots.
Kurt Nimmo
April 4, 2009
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Pittsburgh shooter was fan of online conspiracy theories
Muriel Kane
The Raw Story
April 5, 2009
The unemployed twenty-two year old man who killed three Pittsburgh police officers and wounded two others in a four-hour shootout on Saturday morning had been heavily influenced by extremist conspiracy theories prior to the incident.
According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Richard Poplawski was “convinced the nation was secretly controlled by a cabal that would eradicate freedom of speech, take away his guns and use the military to enslave the citizenry. … He appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews secretly ran the country. ”
Some of Poplawski’s beliefs are fairly commonplace among conservatives.staple on such relatively mainstream outlets as Glenn Beck’s program on Fox News.
For example, fears that the Obama administration intends to somehow ban gun ownership have recently become aHowever, many of his ideas appear to have come from more obscure sources.
Poplawski’s best friend, Edward Perkovic, told the Post-Gazette, “He was really into politics and really into the First and Second amendment. … We recently discovered that 30 states had declared sovereignty. One of his concerns was why were these major events in America not being reported to the public. ”
Perkovic was apparently referring to the so-called “sovereign state movement,” promoted by the Tenth Amendment Center, which presents secession as a reasonable response to federal gun laws and the power of the Federal Reserve and has recently encouraged legislators in a number of states to introduce resolutions reaffirming states rights.
The Post-Gazette also mentions the conspiracy theory website PrisonPlanet, run by radio talk show host Alex Jones, as a source for some of Poplawski’s more off-the-wall notions.
Last fall, that site ran an article, “U.S. Troops In Homeland ‘Crowd Control’ Patrols From October 1st,” which claimed that “U.S. troops returning from duty in Iraq will be carrying out homeland patrols in America from October 1st in complete violation of Posse Comitatus for the purposes of helping with ‘civil unrest and crowd control’ – which could include dealing with unruly Americans after a complete economic collapse. ”
Poplawski had also posted pictures of himself at Stormfront, a white supremacist website whose slogan is “white pride worldwide. ” The discussion of the shootings at Stormfront, which began with speculations that the gunman would turn out to be “some non-white” or “a jew,” then turned to suspicions that the recent rash of shootings is a “setup” to push through gun control legislation, has become oddly muted since the revelation that Poplawski appears to be one of theirs.
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